The department of early childhood education in Brazosport ISD provides early learning opportunities for children who are three and four years old. Early childhood education increases student learning in language, literacy, and math and prepares children to succeed in kindergarten and beyond.
TEA Prekindergarten Regulations
Parent Engagement Plan | Plan de participación de padres
To best meet the needs of our students and community, Brazosport ISD offers three early childhood programs:
Prekindergarten (PK):
Prekindergarten is an early learning program to prepare children for kindergarten who are identified as at risk. Prekindergarten provides learning to children who are 4 years old on or before September 1st.
The Prekindergarten Self-Assessment is a means of internal reflection and evaluation of current practices. Through the self-assessment, we identify areas of strength, prioritize key strategies for improvement, and plan for next steps to address areas of growth.
To view the results click the link below.
High-Quality Prekindergarten Self-Assessment | Autoevaluación de prekindergarten de alta calidad
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE):
The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program is a special education program to meet the needs of students who are identified as needing special education services. The ECSE provides services to children beginning on their third birthday. If you suspect that your child has a disability, please call Katie Ward, Elementary Special Education Coordinator at (979) 730-7000 ext. 12981 to schedule a screening.
Prekindergarten Bilingual:
The Prekindergarten Bilingual program is for children who are identified limited English speakers. To see if your child qualifies for Prekindergarten Bilingual please contact your zoned elementary school.
Prekindergarten Enrollment Information
Benefits of Prekindergarten:
- Nobel-Prize-winning economist James Heckman estimates that every dollar spent on early childhood education returns 10 cents annually over the life of a child (Heckman 2011).
- Have higher reading skills by the third grade than students who attend full-day kindergarten alone.
- Have higher high school graduation rates
- Perform better on standardized tests
- Are less likely to repeat a grade
- Are less likely to be placed in special education
Parent Resources:

Cindy Baca
Early Literacy Specialist
[email protected]
979-730-7000 x10205