Facility Rental

Public School buildings are provided primarily for the regular educational program of Brazosport Independent School District and must be maintained at all times in a satisfactory manner for this essential purpose.

Brazosport Independent School District has certain facilities that can be rented by the community and school organizations. The use of public school facilities outside of school hours can be granted for non-profit educational, cultural, recreational and civic activities.

Those wishing to use a BISD facility need to read the form in its entirety to understand the rules, procedures, and fees for renting a space.

Brazosport ISD Facility Rental Agreement Packet

To browse available facilities and submit a rental request, please create an account using the sign up icon at the top of the Brazosport ISD Facilitron Website.

For questions regarding Facility Rental, please contact the office of Ludivina Cansino, Brazosport ISD Chief Financial Officer at phone at 979-730-7017 or email [email protected]

The Brazosport Independent School District reserves the right to reject any requests not in the best interest of the district.

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