Choose Your Pathway to SUCCESS!
What Are Programs of Study?
A program of study is a coordinated, non-duplicative sequence of academic and technical content provided at the secondary and post-secondary level that:
- Incorporates challenging state academic standards
- Addresses academic, technical, and employable skills
- Aligns with the needs of industries in the state, regional, and local economy
- Progresses in specificity, beginning with aspects of industry and leading to more occupation specific instruction.
- Has multiple entry and exit points that incorporate credentialing
- Students are recognized as a CTE completer upon the completion of three or more courses for four or more credits including one level 3 or level 4 course.
- Culminates in the attainment of a recognized postsecondary credential
CTE Exploration Guide | Guía de Exploración CTE
BISD Course Sequences
CTE Certification Opportunities
BISD Programs of Study:
Accounting & Financial Services
Advanced Manufacturing & Machinery Mechanics (Robotics)
Animal Science (Vet Tech)
Applied Agricultural Engineering (Ag Mech)
Architectural Design
Business Management
Carpentry (Construction)
Culinary Arts
Design & Multimedia Arts (Graphic Design & Photography)
Digital Communications (Audio/Video)
Engineering (Rockets & PLTW)
Environmental & Natural resources (Wildlife)
Family & Community Services (PALS)
Health & Wellness
Healthcare Diagnostics (Clinicals)
Healthcare Therapeutic (Clinicals)
Networking Systems
Nursing Science (PCT)
Plant Science (Floral)
Plumbing and Pipefitting
Printing & Imaging (Yearbook)
Teaching & Training