Elementary K-8

Our elementary K-8 students take a variety of in-house and state assessments throughout their K - 8 years. Below you will find the test types that elementary students take in BISD throughout the year along with embedded links that will take you to additional information about that assessment. Please note that these exams are district and state tests and do not include regular teacher and campus made exams, which are administered at the campus level.

TEMI Testing - The TEMI test, also known as the Texas Early Math Inventory, is a face-to face exam that is administered by elementary teachers in grades K, 1, and 2 that assesses students' overall mathematics skills.  The results are used by teachers and intervention staff to help identify student need areas and create opportunities for student growth in the area of mathematics.  TEMI is administered at the beginning, middle, and end of the year.

STAR Renaissance - STAR Renaissance is administered to students in grades K-8 to assess literacy and mathematics skills.   These assessments are used to measure student learning and identify any students in need of intervention.  STAR Renaissance is administered three times per year - beginning of year (BOY), middle of year (MOY), and end of year (EOY).   STAR Renaissance is a computerized assessment.  STAR Renaissance is administered at the beginning, middle, and end of the year.

State STAAR Exams
- These exams are required by the state of Texas.   You can access a complete calendar with dates of all state STAAR exams by going to the TEA calendar link and downloading the latest  calendar.

District CBA Exams - Students in elementary grades take CBA (Content-based assessments) in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies three times per year.  These exams help campuses to assess student learning and aid with student interventions.

District Practice STAAR Exams
- Students in STAAR tested grades will have the opportunity to take a practice STAAR exam in grades 3 and 4 in Math, Reading, Science, and Writing.  These released exams are posted on the TEA website.
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